The biker sketch was done after my project lead told me about something that disturbed her two daughters from the back of their car, this sunny weekend. ...Damn speedo-wearing old people.
Friday, June 23, 2006
Business Bots, folks!
(This one's a personal favorite workflow hindering scenario of mine)
This is one of my good pals's Al, holding an empty version of one of his favorite things. He once lent me 1000 dollars for rent. I took forever to pay him back and he never complained once. Nor did he pop my head off with his bicep. As well, he also at one time, let me crash at his place for a month. Which was awesome because he owned a lot of dvd's I'd never seen, and a lot of comics, I'd never read. Good friends can be tuff to come by these days.
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Who's this? No idea, but he looks worried about something to his left.
Saturday, June 17, 2006
...careful, he knows bad people.
Here's an old drawing of my good buddy, Nathan, saying hello. He hooked me up with a great job once, and in return I massacred him in this caricature. He's not half the Ugmo MacUglison that this picture depicts, but alas, I find this way funnier.
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Once, I was in Vancouver and I overheard this security guard complaining about his feet. Later, I rode the Skytrain to train station where I overheard a woman complaining about her heels. I drew this a half hour later. ...Peripheral hearing is a gift.
...wonder what that fancy gun does.
Friday, June 09, 2006
Tis the Dread Pirate Alister the Red and his smoking parrot, Frank Newman. Aaarrrrrrrgh *cough*