Friday, June 09, 2006

Tis the Dread Pirate Alister the Red and his smoking parrot, Frank Newman.
Aaarrrrrrrgh *cough*


Mike said...

YEAH! Wicked pirate. I love the parrot's name.

Pirate and parrot are very similar words. I wonder if that's coincidence or some trend-setting pirate guy started doing it as a wordplay joke that caught on...
or maybe people called pirates "parrots" cause they always had parrots on their shoulders whilst raping and pillaging, and people misheard it with the crazy cockney accents. I bet that's what it was.

Mike said...
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Doctor Jones said...

I wonder who the first pirate was to own a parrot. I bet he'd feel like a cocky trend-setter now huh?

Mike said...

it was probably some nerd pirate. Everyone else made fun of him for it, but then this like... Fonzie of pirates saw it and started doing it. Then ALL pirates were doing it cause it was SOOO cool. And the original pirate was all "Hey, I started that trend!" and everyone'd be all "yeah fuckin' right you did. And I'm King Tritan. You suck."
Poor bastard.
hmm... that should be a comic. too bad pirates are so overdone these days...